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Courage to Do NOTHING!

Rae LaShae

The hustle and grind has been my life since I was in the 10th grade. Really if i’m being honest, it’s been my life since I was 8 years old but it really picked up in high school. Tenth grade I secured my first “real job” and I swear the rest is history. Since then I’ve done a million and one different jobs and launched just as many side hustles. Society today pushes us to always be working. Always be hustling. Go, go, go. Engage in self care but don’t sit still too long. There’s so much to be done. Gotta grind. And let me tell you, I was all for that lifestyle. I gotta stay working and stay grinding because I have to keep up. Well I’m 26 now and my life looks completely different from what I once imagined.

In my heart of hearts, I don’t have the desire to do anything right now. Like I just want to chill and do a bunch of nothing lol. And you know what’s crazy? I’m scared. I’m the Queen of overthinking everything so of course i’m like “people will think im lazy,” “when folks ask what I’m working on, what will I say?” “All the hustlers that I follow on IG would never.” My brain really trips out sometimes lol. But here’s the thing, no one can live your life but you. No one has to deal with the consequences of your actions but Y-O-U. So you know what I did? I harnessed the courage to do nothing. For the past week and a half I’ve probably gotten fully dressed about 4 times. There’s been a lot of cozy, in bed cuddles, solo swimming and meditation featuring the soothing sounds of the oceans courtesy of Apple music. It has truly been refreshing.

Sometimes you have to step back from it all and just breathe. All that motivation on IG will drive you completely insane if you try to keep up. Sometimes you have to pause everything. Tap into the courage to do nothing and rest your mind as we go into fall. I know everyone is telling you to finish the year strong but that could be taking a moment to reset your mind before you get your head back in the game. Think about it.

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