In all my glory you ignore me like I’m not right there
You consistently scroll by me, it’s clear you just don’t care
I wear my heart out on my sleeve so it feels real cold
Quite bold of you to play me like I’m not the glue that holds
This whole thing together, keep it from hitting the ground
When that tree fell in the forest please know it made a sound
My heart cries out continuously hoping you’d give me a chance
Give me a ring
Give me sell, share, man anything
To be oh so talented and yet feel invisible
To create and create and yet feel unacknowledged
To read your private praise and wonder why it's not public
I've never seen you share a thing, yet you say that you love it
Though love is steeped in action, I can't tell you're on my team
How you call yourself my friend but can't support my dreams
Not realizing your recognition does not give my work more value
Your validation is not necessary
Your projections hold no weight
Your opinion does not push me forward
My gifts make plenty of room for me
No validation needed