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Not My Will but Yours Be Done....

Rae LaShae

Are you willing to surrender total control of your life? Are you willing to step out on faith and say "God, I don't know how or what you're going to do but I've seen what you've done for others, have your way?" It's taken me quite some time (I'd say about 4 years give or take) to get to the point where I feel like I can actually pray and not stress myself out worrying. It's taken me quite some time to feel like I've gotten to the point where I've centered my spirit enough to hear God speak directly to me. Not too long ago I was telling you all that I felt like God had abandoned me and I couldn't hear him speak. But the reality of the situation is, I was not aligning myself with his will for my life and therefore, things were going astray. It's really a complete mindset shift and let me tell you, it's not easy, at all. A lot of us pray continuously and then spend just as much time stressing about the outcome and the answer to those prayers.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your path straight.' Now I don't want to get all "churchy" on y'all, but I had to share this little tidbit of powerful information with my tribe because this will definitely help you reach that next level you've been yearning for.

So check this out, once you say that prayer, you're suppose to leave that thang in God's hands. One thing that has helped me conquer this is always ending my prayer in "Not my will but yours be done Lord." Ultimately, God always has our best interest at heart. If we learn to truly trust and believe in him and have true faith that he'll lead, guide, protect and provide for us, we'll soon come to learn that his will is the best way and is sufficient. I find comfort in knowing that God only wants the best for me. So when I pray, I pray with confidence that whatever is within his will for me will be bestowed upon me.

.....I don't know, recently God gave me access to a whole new level of energy and I'm loving it. I don't sweat the small stuff. I don't entertain the negative energy. I'm not holding grudges or holding onto relationships that don't have anything but history. I'm not trying to keep up with other people's lives. I'm. Just. Living. And trusting God and putting my weight on it as Pastor Micheal Todd would say. And I'm happy. Sometimes you have to stop taking everyone's advice. You have to tap in with God and watch him work, PERIOD!

I was out here listening to podcasts and taking the advice of social media guru's when I should have been tapping into the ultimate source. (That's not to say don't listen to podcasts or take advice from folks on social media lol. I'm just saying God first) It's amazing how your life can totally change when you stop fighting what he has for you and start embracing the changes.

This new stage of my life feels different. Unlike anything I've ever felt before. There's a lot less baggage and a lot more joy. I want all of my tribe to feel this type of freedom and it all starts with a mindset shift. Allow God to be in control and truly have faith that he will show up and show out. It's time to have some crazy faith and allow God to flex on your behalf. All you have to do is believe.

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