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Music Makes the World Go Round!

Rae LaShae

What's on your playlist right now? Are you into hip hop? Pop? RnB? A little bit of everything? Personally, it just depends on my mood. When I'm getting dressed to go out, I'm playing all trap music lol. When I'm chilling, it's RnB all day. But if I had to choose a genre to live off of forever, I'm for sure choosing RnB. I don't know what it is about RnB. It just gives me life lol. Good RnB is a whole vibe. Especially the stuff from the 90s. These days there are so many different forms of 'RnB.' I'm not really concerned about how you categorize it, if my soul feels it, I'm with it.

Right now I'm obsessed with Daniel Caesars 'Freudian' album. It's forever on repeat. I love pretty much everything he's created thus far. He's amazing lol. Lets not argue. I also love Sza, Ella Mai, Anderson Paak, Sir, Jill Scott, H.E.R, Ravyn Lenae, Mannnnnn, the list could go on forever. So I've decided to make you all a playlist. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Also, I forgot that it was the holiday season and a lot of folks are listening to Christmas music, but if you're like me, you only bop to the Christmas music the week before Christmas lol. Either way, get into this playlist

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