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If You Fail to Plan.....

Rae LaShae

You plan to fail! Hello beautiful people! Hope all is well. Happy Friday! Today we're going to talk about planning. With a new year on the horizon, it is time to start investing in a new planner. I love planners. They help keep you on track and they come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Now, I know a lot of folks are probably thinking "what do I need a planner for if I have Google Calendar?" I know. I get it. I understand. But some of us still like to write things down on paper, call me old school if you please lol. I still hand write all my posts before I type them. I still enjoy a good planner. Soooo, today I'm going to share a few of the planners that are on my raedar! Some of which I've used and some of which I plan to use. Take what you need and leave the rest for your neighbor.

1. Day Designer

You can find this brand at your local Target, of course. My favorite place to shop. They have many different sizes and designs. I like the fact that they have a day breakdown, to-do list section and proverbs on each page. I currently have the large 2018-2019 version with the photo pocket front. It's really cute and convenient. I think it cost me about $12 to $15.

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2. The Hustle Planner by Ming Lee

I don't have this planner yet but it's really dope and Ming Lee is no stranger to the hustle so I'm sure it's a gem. You have to purchase this planner through Ming's site, Now this planner will run you a little penny. It's $69 bucks. I'd say this one is for the committed planner users. It includes a 12-month daily, weekly and monthly planning section, daily mantras and affirmations and also gems from Ming herself. Not in my budget at the moment but I want get it. Head over to her site and check it out.

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3. Passion Planner

If you have an Instagram account then I'm sure you've probably heard or seen the Purpose Planner. The only way I heard about it is through their IG marketing. I feel like writing a post about it does it absolutely no justice. Their IG is so well curated that I want to purchase a planner in every color. I'm obsessed.... but I'm cheap lol. So I have yet to order one due to the fact that they run about $35 plus shipping and handling lol. A perk is that you can purchase them in bulk also, which I think is pretty dope. Visit their site to get more information.

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4. The Purpose Planner

I saved the best for last lol. Or maybe I'm a little biased. This planner is designed by a fellow Detroiter and Renaissance Alum. Cute, chic and stylish, this planner was designed to help you embrace your gratitude, self-care, money management, self-development and positive thinking. (Her words, not mine lol) This one packs a punch and if you're a local Detroiter, you can actually go downtown to the Woodward Collective and purchase your own. They run about $40 bucks but it's worth every penny

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